What does 'P123' indicate on my chart?
This means the app has detected Peak Cervical Mucus Day which can help you identify the approximate time of ovulation.
Peak day- what is it?
Peak day is the last day of your most fertile type of mucus before an abrupt change back to lesser or non-fertile quality. From the start of your cycle, any day that Cervical Mucus (CM) is observed could potentially become your peak day.
Peak day is a good indicator of your ovulation event as CM will be at the most fertile at this time. Noting when you first see any CM will indicate the opening of your fertile window each cycle. Cervical mucus is an important observation to consider tracking to accurately narrow down when fertility begins and ends.
Tip: Using CM as a cross-check with temperatures is a more accurate way to validate that ovulation was successful and the fertile phase has passed.
Tempdrop app - detection of peak day
Once 3 days of lesser-quality or no cervical mucus are entered (after the most fertile type) your peak day is confirmed and set for that cycle. The app will update to P123 to mark a confirmed peak day.
Note: When the Cross-Check Ovulation option is turned on, the Tempdrop app requires CM observations to be entered daily to detect a valid peak day and confirm ovulation (update to luteal phase). Learn more here.