My armband frame has broken!

Has the replaceable plastic frame on your armband broken? 

What to do

  • Use the 'contact us' option below or email us direct at 
  • Title the email 'Broken frame' in the subject line.
  • Attach a picture of the broken frame
  • Include your order number or other proof of purchase if possible. 

We will arrange your replacement as soon as possible. Only the frame is covered, so be sure to hold onto your armband and pins!

How to keep using your Tempdrop as you wait for a replacement

To repair the broken plastic, mix a little tissue paper or baking soda with superglue to help it bond to the plastic. 

The armband is completely modular so you can use any tubular elastic material as a cuff to keep your sensor in place. Simply position the cuff over your bicep and tuck the sensor in place. 

In the meantime click here for instructions on how to swap the frame over once you receive your replacement.

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