Practice fertility awareness - premium insights
Disclaimer: Fertility and ovulation insights are provided as a guide only. The app and its wearable sensor, in themselves, are not, nor are they intended to be, a substitute for contraception or a birth control method.
Tempdrop premium app subscription offers additional data interpretation. Upgrade today and get a free trial for more from our all-in-one charting solution.
Practice Fertility Awareness mode does not have fertility window insights. Cervical Mucus must be entered daily until P123 is detected and a valid temp shift is marked to confirm ovulation.
Learning a symptothermal method of fertility awareness is the gold standard for understanding your cycle. Tempdrop's Practice Fertility Awareness (PFA) mode can be a guidance tool as you learn. No fertile window indications are provided, as users should consult with their method recourses when making fertility decisions.
Temperature data interpretation
Temperatures jump and remain in a sustained higher range after ovulation occurs*. To evaluate if a rise in temps can validate ovulation, scientifically-backed rules must be applied. Our premium option will automatically interpret your results for you. Once the rules have been met, a red horizontal line known as a cover line (used for temp range interpretation) will appear, and the days from the start of the upward shift will be counted.
Cervical mucus interpretation
Observing and charting cervical mucus is a valuable cross-check in confirming the fertile window and ovulation. In the lead-up to ovulation, cervical mucus generally increases in quantity and the quality changes to a more fertile type. After ovulation, it abruptly changes back to a non-fertile quality. The last day of observing fertile-type mucus before this abrupt change is known as "Peak day". Identifying peak day and then adding a count of 3 days in which there is no return of fertile-type mucus can assist in identifying ovulation and closing the fertile window. Automatic detection of peak day (appears as a 'P' on the chart) and adding the 3-day count is a premium feature.
Ovulation verification
After a temperature shift and peak day are verified and sustained, ovulation day will be validated, and an ovulation indication will be shown on the day before temps rise. Verified ovulation is shown as a solid green dot.
Exception rule
Temp shift and peak day will typically fall within a few days of each other. To validate ovulation, Peak must occur within the five days before the first day of the temp shift or within three days after. If these two fertility conditions fall outside of this timeframe, the Tempdrop app will not update to validate ovulation. This, of course, doesn't mean ovulation hasn't occurred; simply, that validation should be self-interpreted for that cycle.
* An upward temperature shift can be influenced by other factors outside of ovulation. Cross-checking a temperature rise against other fertility signs is always recommended when making fertility decisions. Results can vary depending on individual circumstances.